Yesterday I had a rare few hours to myself and I desperately needed to get a couple things for my wardrobe. I found some great basic layering shirts that were long enough in the sleeves for me (a rarity) and I was excited to wear them when I got home. Once out of the store, I noticed that the labels were irritatingly and insanely itchy. You know those shirts that have those double tag, double sewn, chafing, maddening, extra itchy, extra difficult to remove tags? Usually it makes wearing an item of clothing for me unbearable. I am constantly pulling at my shirt, and then I have a red mark on the back of my neck where the offending tag has been harrassing.
Eventually I either snip off the tag as closely to the seam as I can (making it worse - the small leftover shred is now stabbing me in the back) or I rip it out in frustration, leaving a hole in my brand new shirt!
So yesterday I decided to save my shirt and save my sanity, and I drove straight to a local Craft store, went to the sewing section, and bought myself a $1.50 seam ripper. (Errand finished in under 10 minutes). Those of you who sew already have one of these dandies (or many of these) but I am willing to guess that many of you don't own one.... yet. As you can see from the picture, a seam ripper has a handy hook to grab the stitch of the tag (not the seams on the shirt, if you please, be careful) and then rip that seam right out, lickety split (the curvy section is a little blade to cut the thread). Within 45 seconds I had an perturb-free shirt, and I was a happy camper. A nice little weapon to have on hand, says I.
Oh yeah, I totally do it. I do happen to have a couple hanging around my house but I even keep one in the little bowl next to our keys. That's how handy I find it.