
A Little Decorating... Picking the Perfect Paint Color

by Courtnie
Paint is one the greatest tools we have as do-it- yourselfers to reinvent a space for minimal cost. Unfortunately, all too often, what originally was to be a $30 project is now a $500 project because the paint you bought that was originally called “desert sand” now looks like “perfect peach” in your house and five buckets of paint later you give up and hire a professional painter to come back and repaint the entire room in the original color because between the paint fumes and your kinked neck you can’t stand to pick up another paintbrush. 
Well... I have a little secret for you that will resolve all your painting woes.  SIMPLIFY.  No more going to the paint store and trying to choose the perfect color from hundreds of paint swatches. Leave the decision making to the pros and go straight to Restoration Hardware and pick from the paint options they offer.  Their designers have picked the perfect grays, the perfect tans, the perfect whites and a few accent colors that are in style for you to choose from.  They have eliminated all the unnecessary colors and given you colors that work in every light and are on par with today’s styles.  
Pottery barn also offers paint selections which look good on the swatch and in their magazines.  However, I have never tried them so I can’t testify to them like I can the Restoration Hardware paints.  Ever since I switched to using their colors, I haven’t gone back (with the exception of the time I tried to find a red for my front door on my own and ended up buying five different Ralph Lauren colors, before I finally went back to the only red that Restoration Hardware offers, which coincidentally is the only red that looked good on my front door)
So I know you are all dying to know what a can of Restoration Hardware paint is going to cost you. NOTHING. If you are a cheapskate like me and have their swatches matched at your local home depot for around $25 a can.  Every time I go the Restoration Hardware I collect their latest samples and keep them is a Ziploc baggie in my kitchen drawer. (I can’t believe I am admitting this little dark secret of mine).  However, if you want to buy it directly from Restoration Hardware it is still quite reasonable at $35 a can.
Pottery Barn Wedgewood Gray 
Trust me; this little secret will change your life when it comes to painting.  Try it out next time and let me know what you think.  Especially, if you are painting a neutral color like gray or tan.  They are the most difficult to choose on your own!  Happy painting!!!
P.S. If you choose to have your paint matched at home depot, use your extra money to splurge on nice paint brushes and rollers, like PURDY.   It really makes a difference.
P.P.S. If you are choosing a neutral color, lean toward the gray tones.   It is the latest in decorating style.  Remember home décor usually follows fashion trends.

Restoration Hardware Paint Collection 
Pottery Barn Paint Collection 

1 comment:

  1. We have been trying to figure out the right paint colors for our master bedroom for a long time. As we revisited the problem this past week my mind recalled your post and we took your advice and went to Restoration Hardware. Their paint colors are beautiful and now we have a great color for our master bedroom. You are right it was easy to get the paint matched. Thanks for solving our paint color woes!!
