
A Little Healthy... Green Smooties
My wrinkles have dramatically decreased. My sugar cravings have dropped off. I eat less calories, and get my daily iron, calcium and foliate intake naturally. The intestines are doing great. I am sick less. Magic? No. Green smoothie? Yes!

What is a green smoothie? It’s the tastiest way ever to introduce the amounts of greens our bodies need in the most digestible way possible. Results of increasing greens to 30-50 of my diet: literally, the wrinkles on my face have been fading, my energy has increased, my sweet binges are way less. My children love these too!

Preparation Principles: These are traditional smoothies with greens mixed in. If you hate pulp, get a great blender or decide that you hate puckery cellulite and wrinkles more than pulp, and make these smoothies daily!

Take a large handful of any green, add a large glass of water or vanilla soy milk and blend. Then add a cup or so of frozen blueberries and a banana- the older the better. I love using my frozen brown ones. The colder the smoothie the better. For children, give them cool names like "the green banana."

Some combos:
Spinach and blueberries (my favorite)
Spinach, strawberries and banana
Spinach, soymilk, orange juice and raspberries
Spinach and strawberry protein powder (I like Muscle Milk Light)
Red leaf lettuce with mangoes and a splash of lemon juice
*Google “green smoothie” and you’ll get dozens of recipes!

Spinach and red leaf lettuce blend instantly with almost no pulp. Kale and endive are tasty too, but have more bits. More fruit makes it more sweet, and be brave! The first time you’ll be shocked by the color… and then be shocked by how your body craves color! High-power blenders are nice because they liquify the drink, but I used a cheap blender for a full year and still had great results.

You can even watch a YouTube video about how to make one...


Amber D said...

I've been drinking these for about 2.5 years now and they are amazing. I notice a difference if I even stop for a few days!

Amber D said...

I would like to see kits for some of your gift items to keep in the house for last min things.


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