
A Little Fitness...My Five Fave Workout Videos

"Sometimes I can't get to the gym at 5:30 a.m."
"Sometimes I'm traveling."
"Sometimes I can't find a hubby or neighbor to watch my newborn."

...And sometimes there is still a way to get a great workout! Here are five great videos that have helped to change my body!

1. P90X! 13 videos of great muscle training. Core Synergistics is one of the best workouts I've ever had.
2. P90X Plyometrics, Yoga X and Ab Ripper.
3. Wedding Body Pilates. Sounds funny, but the workout isn't just for brides. It's one of the best core training videos out there, is challenging, and a total-body workout.
4. Yoga (Power series) with Baron Baptiste on Netflix.
5. "Ten Minute Rapid Workouts." This is a series of workout videos (from weights to cardio to mind-body) that divides the hour-long session into ten minute increments. They are available on Netflix.

So let go of the excuses, boot up your computer and get your booty moving with these great workouts!

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