Do something thoughtful. Even if it's something small, just so long as it is nice and unexpected, your husband will love it! Doing small acts of kindness for your spouse creates positive feelings towards you and adds to the "reservoir of positivity" and will get you through the difficult time. Ideas: make his favorite dinner/desert, give him something he has been hinting he would like to have, offer to give him a back rub, or (heaven forbid) initiate some romance.
2. Make time. It may seem obvious that we spend time with our hubbies, but there are so many things that distract us that often our relationship falls by the wayside. So schedule some time with him. Plan a date even!
3. Think before you speak. Oh man, sometimes I suck at this. But do as I say, not necessarily as I do... right? Take his feelings into consideration. Sometimes, ok, lots of times, I think I'm funny when I'm really not... do you have this problem too? So think about how you are going to make him feel before you verbalize that witty comment that seems so hilarious in your head.
4. Don't take him for granted. It's easy, after you have lived with someone for so long, to take them for granted. Don't! Think about how you felt about him when you were dating or newly married. I keep photographs around the house for this particular purpose. Anytime I struggle with this I imagine how it felt to see him on my doorstep when we were dating... and there I am... in love.
5. Support him. It's a tough world out there! When he walks through the door at the end of the day, let him know that you think he's a LITTLE GREAT. Delay your complaints about the kids and your day and smile as you welcome him home.
1 comment:
Awesome, Aly! You ROCK!
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