By K Wrede
I confess, I can't do it alone. I can't wake up, fix breakfast, get clothes out, brush hair, brush teeth, pack lunches, get clothes on, turn off lights, turn off burners, put on lipstick and remember car keys by myself. Add two kids and a husband into the mix and life just got chaotic. (I know, I know, some of you have even more kids than that and I admire you for it!)
In the hustle and bustle of the morning routine I still want to be a kind, patient, happy mommy/wife, but I don't have that natural ability. (Our little secret, K?)
So I pray for it. Better said: When I remember to do so, I pray for it.
And I get it.
It seems whenever I ask for help to be a better mom/wife, I get it. Ideas come to my mind on what to say, how to act, and I even feel more peace inside, which then allows me to calm down a bit.
Does it really matter if my daughter hikes her mismatched socks up to her knees? Does it really matter that my son wants to wear the same underwear two days in a row?
No, it doesn't. (At least that's what the Universe tells me when I'm willing to listen.)
What matters is the people. What matters is how I treat "the people".
I write this as a reminder to myself and to all of us. Help with family relationships is never very far.
very beautiful blog.
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